
Max promo codes February 2025

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FAQs About Max Coupons

How many downloads do I get with a Max subscription?

With the Ad-Free plan for $15.99 per month, you will get 30 downlads to watch on the go. With the Ultimate Ad-Free plan for $19.99 per month, you will get 100 downloads to watch on the go.

Is it cheaper to get a yearly Max subscription?

Yes! you can get up to 20% off for the year if you sign up for an annual subscription instead of a monthly subscription. You'll save about $19 if you choose the yearly With Ads subscription, get about $42 off for a year of the Ad-Free subscription, and about $40 off for a year of the Ulimate Ad-Free subscription.

Which subscriptions come with a free Max subscription?

Some AT&T Unlimited phone plans come with a free Max subscription.

How can I try Max for free?

Existing hulu customers can get a 7-day free trial of Max.